
About me

I’m a street photographer, generative AI artist, chess enthusiast, consumer of culture and professional graphic & digital designer with over two decades of experience in the visual design field.

Since early age I gravitated towards art and technology and taught myself web design while roaming through the primordial Internet at the turn of the century. I improved my skills with graphics and composition at the High School of Arts which I graduated with diploma in design and photography in 2003. During this time my illustrations and comics were published in various magazines and I co-organised online exhibits featuring many Polish artists known today.

Following that I studied graphic design at the Academy of Fine Arts for a few years before dropping out and moving to London to purse a career in my profession. Soon after I was featured in numerous publications such as British design magazine “.Net”, and won several awards over the years. After working mostly in the interactive design field (the golden age of flash and early days of UX/UI) and collaborating with many acclaimed British and Polish agencies for over a decade working on projects for well-known clients and brands I founded SYROP, an independent studio to design visual identity and develop treatments for production companies, agencies and advertising directors worldwide.

Throughout my career I had the opportunity to work with the following clients: Adidas, Audi, Bacardi, Bakoma, BBC, Camelot, Cream, Danone, DOZ, Electronic Arts, Eurostar, FilmIt, Ford, Future Publishing, Go East, Hennessy, Heyah, Kraft Foods, Lemonfilm, Moët & Chandon, Mobil1, MTV, Panasonic, P&G, Point of you, Pracuj.pl, Red Bull, RWE, Škoda, Sony, Tiger, Toyota, Volkswagen, WBK Bank, Wedel, Wrigley

As time passed I decided to focus more on personal projects that offered me a better opportunity to express my creativity. I expanded my interests in street photography and in 2022 launched this blog to mark the 20th anniversary of my adventure with digital photography and to start shooting again after a long (cough) break. (It’s currently being updated with older, redux entries from my previous sites). Photos from my various excursions provide a glimpse of my evolution as a photographer, showcasing my artistic journey and the development of my style over time. I mainly shoot urban landscapes, street scenes and lifestyle portraits using a decade old vintage Fujifilm X100S which has became my favourite camera of all time.

In 2023 I returned to digital art which became a totally new and exciting medium because of generative AI revolution. My visuals are influenced by a blend of the past and future, filled with mysterious atmosphere, mood and hidden meanings. Meticulously directed, curated and manipulated by me with ideas that I develop and rework using visions and impressions formed by neural networks. The intention is to experiment, create emotion, expand imagination and inspire creativity.

All my social links are available at bento.me/szymon

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